Please provide a pdf document of only one A4 page with the naming convention “3946 – LAST NAME – FIRST NAME.PDF”. The page should contain:

A. the name of the applicant;

B. a first chart showing for the year 2019 and each EU country “Total Greenhouse gas emissions (excluding LULUCF and memory items, including international aviation)” (y-axis) vs. “Population” (x-axis);

possible sources of information: * *;

C. a second chart showing for the year 2019 and each EU country “Total Greenhouse gas emissions (excluding LULUCF and memory items, including international aviation)” (y-axis) vs. “Size of country in thousands of square kilometres” (x-axis);

possible sources of information: * *;

D. a maximum of three brief bullet points with your main findings from those two charts.

Note: Your submission for this exercise must be your own work. Any quotations from the published or unpublished work of others must be clearly identified as such and full references to the sources must be provided in proper form. All paraphrased material must be acknowledged. Failing to meet these requirements, or passing off the work of others as your own, whether deliberately or not, is considered plagiarism and will lead to your exclusion from this selection procedure. You can save the application and resume it once you have finished the exercise and are ready to upload it.